What to Wear to a Job Interview – Villa Group Recruiting

A good first impression is very important at a job interview. What clothes you decide to wear, your attitude and the way you speak are vital factors you should be aware of. Generally it is better to wear more formal clothes for job interviews, but you need to keep in mind the type of job you are applying for and you may need to reflect this in the way you dress. This could help you to impress any potential new employers.

What men should wear to a job interview?

A good quality suit, dress shirt and matching tie and smart shoes are the proper clothing for men to wear for most professional and high profile interviews. It is much easier for men to dress appropriately and what clothes you wear can say a lot about your character. Whether you have a briefcase or not, or even your socks colour, can say more than you think to the interviewers. Compare the difference in clothing you would wear to an interview for say Google with an interview with a law firm. The Google representatives probably would appreciate and accept a quirky tie, while the law firm definitely would not.

What clothes are appropriate for women to wear to a job interview?

It is much more difficult for women to dress suitably for interviews. There is so much choice in what to wear. For formal interviews a trouser suit can be just as appropriate as for the men, but informal interviews can be a different proposition. Try to keep your dress code looking professional by going for a comfortable style. Remember that if you would not wear your choice to work in your present office, then maybe it is not the dress to wear for an interview.

Compensate your Personality with Color

Before your interview, it may be worthwhile to consider some more obscure feature of your dress. Perhaps if you are a loud and confident individual already, then you may need to avoid bold colors like red to prevent you appearing over the top. At the opposite end, if you are a timid person, you may want to consider using more assertive colors in lieu of your normal natural and pastel colors. Make sure you wear comfortable clothes to your interview and use the color of your outfit to compensate for any of your weaknesses.

To give your confidence a boost, buy a new outfit for your interview if you are able to afford one. If you can’t, try and borrow suitable clothing from a friend or relation. It is important for you to feel and look your best as this will be reflected in how you perform in your interview.

The last thing to consider for your interview is the fit of your clothes. Make sure your outfit fits correctly as loose clothing can look untidy and tight clothing can look like you did not plan your dress code properly. Remember, comfortable clothing will help keep you relaxed and focussed during your interview.

— December 27, 2016

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