How to Land your Dream Job – Villa Group Recruiting

Looking for your dream job? First make sure to identify what aspects of a job are the most important to you. When you focus on your top dream job criteria, it will make your dream job search easier. What matters to you most when it comes to a job? Is it company culture, health benefits, flex time, specific salary or is there a particular company you have always dreamed of working for? After you identify what matters most to you as an employee, then you can streamline your job search and only apply for positions that match your skills and ambitions. However, if you find yourself in an interview for a position within a company you want to work for, but that the specific role doesn’t suit your skill set best, be honest and open with HR and explain your sincere interest in the company and ask them to keep you in mind for a future role that makes suit you better.

Job descriptions – Review with Care

It is important to carefully read job descriptions so you don’t spend unnecessary time applying for positions that are not in line with your skill set. Once you have evaluated your job search criteria, start a list of jobs that seem appropriate for your professional goals. Another important approach to landing your dream job is to make sure you are clear about which jobs fit your experience. This will help refine your dream job search so you can keep track of all job-related information that will help you in your search. It make take more time up front to carefully read each job description, but it will be a time saver down the road to prevent you from applying erroneously for jobs that don’t fit your skill set. Remember if you come across an interesting opportunity but are missing a specific degree requirement, make sure you explain to the interviewer that you feel qualified for the job based on your real life experience and knowledge.

Tailored Resume and Cover Letters

Make sure both your resume and cover letter are written in a way that speaks to the role you are applying for. Any keywords or specific job requirements listed in the job description should be found within your resume so that the interviewer will draw connections and naturally find you as a good fit. Tailoring your resume and cover letter will show your potential employer how well your past experience qualifies you for the current opening. This gives you an edge over other applicants as you will stand out against more general resumes and standard cover letters. By tailoring your experience for a particular job, you will be better equipped to ace the interview and hopefully land the dream job you’ve been searching for.

Attend Industry Events

Some of the best jobs out there are not even listed on job websites and are only found through word of mouth. As many companies prefer to hire and promote internally, it is extremely important to attend relevant industry events and network where you may meet potential employers in person to get your foot in the door. Stay connected with your pulse on the industry by attending training and industry events, so you surround yourself with the right people who may be the key to landing your dream job. Be direct with your industry peers and make people aware that you’re looking for a new opportunity. Your dream job may be just around the corner!

Lastly, keep your friends in the loop when you are looking for a new job. They may work in a company that interests you or have access to insider information that could help your dream job search. Ask them to share your resume and keep their ears open for an opportunity that may work for you. By using these techniques and tips, we hope your dream job is closer than you think.

— June 27, 2018

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