OPC – Off Property Contact
The most well-known, or at least instantly recognized, jobs in timeshare are those of an OPC; OPC’s are responsible for drumming up attendees for the sales presentations which are held at each timeshare resort. This is a role which requires a friendly demeanor, thick skin, easy going personality, and no small measure of tenacity!
In House Concierge
The role of an in-house concierge mixes the traditional responsibilities of a concierge with those of an OPC and is one of the most pleasant jobs in timeshare. You will be expected to encourage guests to attend sales presentations but will remain on site. This is one of the most elegant roles in the business.
Sales Agents
Sales Agents are the people who are most often connected with the industry, and the people who have the most chance of making serious money, Within the sales room there are varying roles, but the most notable are those of the Liner (the person who shows the guests the properties) and the Closer (the person who “closes” the deal). Certainly one of the best-paid jobs in timeshare.
VLO – Verification Loan Officers
VLO’s are key within this industry as they are tasked with ensuring that the consumer understands the details of their contract (the benefits and restrictions, their rights and responsibilities) before they sign it. A VLO will go over the contract details to ensure that the customer enters the cooling off period with their eyes open, so to speak. These jobs in timeshare are few and far between, but certainly worth aspiring to.
It will likely come as no surprise to you that there are a number of administration roles you could fulfill when you work in the timeshare industry. From recruitment to members services, and even communications, administration covers all bases. Most of these types of jobs in timeshare will be advertised internally or locally.
If you want advice about the kinds of jobs in timeshare you could inquire for, please do not hesitate to contact us!