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What You Need to remember on Your First Day of a New Job – Villa Group Recruiting

So, you have finally landed that, all important dream job and you start first thing on Monday morning… wow! Congratulations! Right now you probably feel motivated and inspired about the prospect of your new job, but also a little scared. You may suddenly be realizing that you don’t know what to expect. Well, whatever comes your way we have some tips which will enable you to make the best impression possible at your new workplace.

Here’s what we advise you do on your first day of a new job:

Sleep well the night before a new job

We recommend that you get a full night’s sleep so that you can wake up refreshed and on top form for your first day. Avoid watching TV until late or going out with friends, and avoid drinking coffee or stimulants in the evening in favor of something more peaceful like watching a romantic comedy.

Get up early and have breakfast

Get up with enough time to have a proper, hearty breakfast complete with complex carbs like oats to keep your energy levels consistent through the whole day. The first day at a new job can be busy and stressful; if you miss your break a good breakfast will see you through.

Be inquisitive

Don’t feel shy about asking questions on your first day at a new job; even if the answer is obvious to your trainer, they won’t judge you. It’s much better to ask a question than to spend time worrying about not knowing how to deal with something that could turn out to be very simply resolved.

Record details and keep notes

There’s nothing uncool about putting yourself in the best possible position going forward; remember it’s much worse to get something wrong after you’ve been taught to do it than it is to take longer while you mull over notes. Your first day at a new job will be full of new information.

Keep social activities to a minimum

Getting up-to-date with anything new can be hard, and so the best way to get comfortable with your new role at your new job quickly is to commit yourself to it entirely. This means putting social arrangements off until the weekend; it’s a pain, but it is worth it in the end. Arriving to work in your first week at a new job with a hangover will not make a good impression.

If you have tips as to how to best start a new job, be sure to leave them in the comments section below.

— February 22, 2017

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