Dos and Don’ts of Resume Writing – Villa Group Recruiting

“The Five Top Resume Don’ts” is a first-rate article on the Forbes website that teaches job seekers what to avoid when they are writing their resumes. The article sets out the main Dos and Don’ts that you need to know when trying to get employment or noticed by any potential companies. Looking through the article, we have extracted some of the main Dos and Don’ts that any resume writer should know. Particular attention should be paid to items numbers No. 4 and 5. After reading this article, you may need to make changes to your resume before applying for any jobs.

    Dos and Don’ts of Resume Writing

  1. Nice Looking Resume
  2. With the advancement in computers, laptops, and the technology available, there is absolutely no excuse not to have a professional looking resume. The resume should be reader friendly, tidy, well set out and not be overloaded with a large amount of text. The writing should be succinct and be justified and formatted. If you want to add a creative touch, you could include some graphics, but not too much as it may appear a bit overpowering. The font you utilize is particularly important. Make use of the trusted New Times Roman font or the Arial font as these are really easy to read particularly if you are sending your resume via the email.

  3. Don’t List Every Single Job You Worked
  4. There is no need to list all the jobs you have had throughout your career to date. A resume should ideally be only two pages long. Be careful when listing your previous job employers as this can take up too much space. Make sure you highlight your suitability for the job you are applying for and do not emphasize past jobs too much.

  5. Leave Out All Weaknesses
  6. Do not include your weaknesses in your resume. Make sure you keep to the point while constructing your resume, and if the job requires skills you are not familiar with do not admit to not being able to undertake them. You can always take training courses to fill any gaps in your experience and knowledge and this will let your employer know how serious you are to improve your knowledge base.

  7. Facts, Facts, and Just Facts
  8. Make sure you only deal in the real facts, such as how much you might have saved the company or how much money you made the business in sales. These facts will be more impressive to the employer than just a stack of information they will not read. Employers will be impressed if you write about quantifiable goals and percentages.

  9. Be Brief
  10. It is not impressive to write large resumes. Make sure you are brief as possible as prospective employers tend to just take a quick look through a resume and if they see something that catches their eye, they will then concentrate on that area.

  11. No References Needed
  12. You should remember that you do not need to add any references to your resume unless they are particularly asked for by the employer. It they do require them include them in a separate document. It will be just a waste of effort for both you and the employer if you add references. You will of course need your references if you get through to the next stage of interviews or your get offered the job.

  13. Don’t Write About Your Past Duties or Responsibilities
  14. The employer would prefer to know about your previous achievements and what extra abilities you can bring to the company. They are not interested in any lists of earlier responsibilities or duties with any of your past employers. It is more relevant and important to include some of the major accomplishments you have achieved for your past employer.

  15. Avoid an Unprofessional Email Address
  16. Make sure you always have a professional email address that you can use when you are submitting a resume. Avoid the use of childish and unprofessional addresses that you previously had when you were a teenager such as Superman,, or These will be frowned upon by any potential employers.

— August 19, 2016

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