Advice for Getting a Job After College – Villa Group Recruiting
The Forbes online magazine has posted a few great tips to help college graduates find a job. These tips are an excellent way to be prepared and might just help you in getting a job after college.

  • Establish a LinkedIn Account
  • One of the top pieces of advice for getting a job after colleges is to open a LinkedIn account as soon as possible. Teenagers around the age of sixteen or older should establish a LinkedIn account. The account should include all the activities and hobbies you are involved with at high school along with any certificates and awards you have won. You may not have a lot of employers on your account, but you can add any of your first jobs. These jobs can be babysitting, waitress, dishwasher, and even walking dogs. Once you have more professional employers, then just delete the first jobs you added to your LinkedIn account.

  • Create a Domain, Blog, and WordPress
  • Nowadays, it is very affordable to create a domain name and website, then adding WordPress format to the site. This will allow you to blog about professional things and personal interests. You can blog about the hottest video on YouTube, favorite music, or even what is going on in the news. If you can’t think of anything professional to blog on, then the favorite interests are a great blog, because people of your age will enjoy reading your blogs.

  • Think About an Internship
  • A top way to get the job you really want after college is to apply for an internship. It is never too early to think about an internship. Just like when you were creating your LinkedIn profile, you should also check around to see about an internship. There are plenty of companies that welcome young students as interns.

  • Find a Mentor
  • Now is the time to find a mentor. Don’t rely on using your parents as a mentor, unless your parents is in a company that you would like to join. Be creative and find your own mentor that is a professional mentor who will be more useful in getting you a job after college. You can find a professional mentor by doing a simple search on LinkedIn.

  • College Career Services
  • The college career services office is there to assist you in your career. Only limited numbers of students actually use these services, which is unfortunate, because they cannot only help you with building a resume and cover letter, but they can align you up with an alumni who has been where you are today, but they are in a position to help you with the career choice you have decided upon.

  • Join a Professional Group at College
  • Many colleges offer professional groups. These professional groups are all based upon the profession and career choice. For example, a computer programmer can join a tech group. The professional groups have former college students come and talk, and they can even help you out with getting a job, or if you have any questions or concerns about the profession. Make sure you join a professional group at college. Too many students don’t use this helpful resource that is offered to college students.

These are excellent tips that the Forbes Magazine online has provided to college students.

— September 1, 2015

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